Bids and Project Portfolio coordination
- Achieve the organization’s strategic goals while minimizing portfolio risk
- Ensure that the portfolio fits with his/her resource capability and availability
- Balance the portfolio to ensure it creates the optimal value for the organization
- Control Tenders deliverables and be responsible to commit on Project & Bid function costing for their site scope in the Project, including resource allocation during the Tender.
- Control Projects execution together with Customer Director through MPR (Management Project Review) & FPR (Financial Project Review)
- Be Accountable for their project portfolio performances (e.g. PPI, Time related KPIs such as OTD and DFQ Go On Time), and for their tender package delivery on time.
- Be Accountable for the QCD performance of the projects in their portfolio (i.e. region of destination view) and of the WP (Work Package) or WBE (Work Breakdown Element) managed by their SSM team (i.e. region of origin view). This applies in the PM2020 way of working which implies that the WBE, WP and Projects are multi-sites and multi-métiers, with the Bid and Project Director being accountable for the end-to-end performance, even for activities performed outside of their sites.
- Regularly Report to Site Management Team of main issues and risks of the tenders & projects within the scope of responsibility.
- Act locally to create a partnership with Site MD by defining common and agreed priorities aligned with Alstom objectives of profitability.
- Help to provide optimum use of the organization’s resources
- Act as the Customer interface if/when required depending on the site organizational set-up or supports the Customer Director / Project Manager on customer management related topics.
Bid & Project team management
- As department Head, be in charge of staffing the resources on time and to assess and develop their competencies.
- Manage and develop bid managers, project managers, sub-system managers and project management métiers (e.g. Configuration and Change management, Documentation management)
- Balance workload in his/her team in particular at some specific milestones of a bid/project (starting phase, close out,..)
Operational support to Bid & Project team
- Follow-up the Projects QCD and risks evolution: cash, sales, Design for Quality milestones and progress follow-up (manufacturing, testing, commissioning and warranty…), work packages review
- Ensure good support from the “métiers” to his/her team of Bid/Project Managers or Sub-Systems Managers for day-to-day business
- Provide support in the management of risks, mitigation plans
- Propose and provide support for improvement action plans in bids & projects, during Bid/Project reviews)
- Contributes to action plans in process, product and organization
- When issues on Projects/Bids occur between sites, which are escalated, facilitate arbitration between sites in collaboration with the Site MD.
- Be Accountable to deploy the Project & Bid function processes on site (incl. transformation programs such as PM2020)
- Be either responsible to act as Process Correspondent, or accountable to appoint a Process Correspondent for Project & Bid function processes to be deployed at site level
- Be responsible, with his/her site team, to capture Return of Experience (REX) for process reviews, or for any other continuous improvement initiatives related to the Project & Bid Métiers
- Participate to Internal/External Audits as required, in relation to the Bid & Project Métiers
- Guarantee REX across Bids & Projects to the Reference Library and Tenders.
Performance Measurement:
- As portfolio manager:
- Tenders: % of contracts signed vs tenders declared in the category “commitment” for his/her portfolio
- Staffing on time
- As portfolio coordination of his/her team commitments:
- Projects performance: Projects QCD targets as per Critical Project Review commitments, project working capital and Cash-in
- Customer Satisfaction: Safety issues and critical issues management reactivity (K1, K2, K3 criteria).
- Risks mitigation and Savings Management: FPR commitments/targets and budget engagements.
- As a Manager: People Management & Development manages milestones, training and development plan execution.